Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

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1. Record Number: 7253
Author(s): GerĂ¡t, Ivan.
Title : Dei saturitas. St. Elizabeth's Works of Mercy in the Medieval Pictorial Narrative ["In this article, I examine a significant and unknown part of the pictorial tradition that surrounds St. Elizabeth in Central Europe and concentrate, in particular, on one group of scenes which can be generally referred to as her works of mercy. The significant questions of identity and differences within this group are analyzed. Some aspcts of these scenes changed very subtly; I evaluate these differences in relation to their historical context and consider how they reflected the development of liturgical and devotional practices. The main focus of this paper, however, is an evaluation of the theory that pictorial images of St. Elizabeth may be in imitation of those representing Christ." Page 168.].
Source: Insights and Interpretations: Studies in Celebrations of the Eighty-Fifth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art.   Edited by Colum Hourihane .   Index of Christian Art, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University in association with Princeton University Press, 2002.  Pages 168 - 181.
Year of Publication: 2002.